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drevený hrebeň

This is the wooden type of comb made in wood. This one is super great for hair and keeps it looking fresh! This show discusses all of the various reasons why rozčesávacie hrebenes are obviously better than any other type of comb out there, how they benefit the environment as well as your hair regarding using them and most importantly why folks have adored employing a wooden horn for so long now.

Výhody používania a bath brush wooden are immense. One of the major benefits is that wooden combs do not generate static electricity, unlike plastic ones. This is critical considering static can leave your hair frizzy and with flyaways, which tends to be very annoying. It eases frizz and enhances your hair to look more polished, use a wooden comb for this. Wooden combs are also great to use for combing your hair as they do not break the hair. They smooth into your hair which makes it so much a possibility to style how you would like. Wooden combs can also improve your blood circulation and lead to healthy hair growth, which means less fall-outs.

Why a wooden comb is gentler on hair

Easier on the hair — compared to some plastic combs that have sharp seams, a wooden comb is gentle an does not cause snags. In some plastic combs, the teeth may have rough edges that pull on hair threads leading to tangles and breakage. This is not a pleasant experience and it can cause hair damage. While wooden combs are made with softer edges that will gently run through your hair without yanking or hurting. Wooden combs are also non-static; so you can combat damage from carrying frizz with using many hair products. This makes it extremely useful for individuals concerned about the health and strength of their hair.

Why choose Ningbo Glory Magic wooden comb?

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