Ngā Kāwai katoa

Whakapā Mai

welcome to our booths at 136th canton fair -42
Nga panui katoa

Nau mai ki o matou tihokahoka i te 136th Canton Fair!

10 Oct
Nau mai ki o matou tihokahoka i te 136th Canton Fair!
Nau mai ki o matou tihokahoka i te 136th Canton Fair!
Nau mai ki o matou tihokahoka i te 136th Canton Fair!
Nau mai ki o matou tihokahoka i te 136th Canton Fair!

Nau mai ki nga Whare Roopu MU i te 136th Canton Fair!



Ko ta matou Tari e arotahi ana ki te Ataahua me te Hua Tiaki Whaiaro Ko ta matou Whare Tiati ko:

Wāhanga 2(10.23-10.27): No Booth: 16.2 I 18


Wāhanga 3(10.31-11.4):No Booth: 9.1J30 &9.1J45


Ka powhirihia e matou nga kaihoko mai i nga wa katoa o te ao ki te toro ki o matou tihokahoka, ki te tirotiro i a maatau hua kounga teitei, me te whai waahi ki te mahi tahi.
Kaua e ngaro i te waahi ki te hono mai ki a maatau ka kite i a maatau tuku hou! Mo etahi atu korero mo a maatau hua me o ratonga i te waa Canton Fair.

Gmagic I te 136th Canton Fair

katoa Panuku

Te whanaketanga hua hou mai i te wahanga | Gmagic

welcome to our booths at 136th canton fair -57 welcome to our booths at 136th canton fair -58 welcome to our booths at 136th canton fair -59 welcome to our booths at 136th canton fair -60