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Brush bath

Clean your make-up brush regularly, healthy skin is important. Makeup brushes get dirty with dirt, oils and bacteria. all of these things can come in contact with your skin and create blemishes so if you are changing up creams make sure to clean everything regularly. Brush Baths — Brush baths are an easy way to remove dirt, oil and germs from your brushes. Here are a few simple procedures that will assist you in properly cleaning your brushes: 

Wen Wet your brushes with warm water. When cleaning the brushes you should hold them under running water, but be careful not to get any wet on the metal part of brush. The metal part of this Ningbo Glory Magic মেকআপ ব্রাশ head is pretty delicate and letting it get wet makes the bristles break and your brushes can lose their effectiveness. 

Why your makeup brushes need a bath too?

Once you have the blue on your brush, with a small portion of Ningbo Glory Magic Brush Cleaner directly onto bristles. Not much; just a bit. Use your fingers to rub the cleaner into the bristles gently. Make sure to use a brush clean deep into the material, so it goes through and pulls out all of that dirt/oil. 

Rinse the brush thoroughly and then squeeze/filter out any excess water from inside it. Don't pull or tug the bristles that hard, lest they get damaged. Once you have squeezed out the water, reshape the bristles into their original shape. This helps avoid damaging the brushes. 

Why choose Ningbo Glory Magic Brush bath?

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